
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Joshua 1:5 And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
If we expect goodness to come out of our life, we should first submit ourselves to the process of sanctification and perfection.

Many times we miss the opportunity to receive goodness and also to yield goodness, because we do not prepare ourselves in the presence of God to receive and yield it.
We can understand this from Genesis first chapter. In Genesis first chapter we will be reading about the way that God create everything.

Genesis 1:2 says: “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep...”
The earth was not in a perfect form. God can make the earth to yield crops, fruits, and living creatures in the first day itself. But He never did that because He knows that the earth was imperfect.

So God spent the first two days and some part of the third day to make the whole world perfect. He arranged the things of the world in a perfect way. That is, He prepares the world to yield goodness.
Only when He completed the work of perfection in the world, He made the world to yield every good thing. He made the sun and stars to shine on the earth. He made the earth to yield living creatures and birds in abundance. God finally sees that everything was made good. A formless earth at the beginning was made to yield goodness at the end only after the process of perfection.

My dear young people, if you want God to do something in your life or through your life, you should allow Him to make you perfect. Without God’s perfection in your life, you cannot yield goodness.
Gold has to go through the process of heating in a fiery furnace for purification. Only then it will form as Gold. The fiery furnace is the one which makes the Gold perfect. If you submit yourself to God and do things according to His counsel, He will make His light to shine upon you.

Allow God to clean you so that you will be perfect. Then God will enable you to yield goodness and you will be a blessing to many. May God shine upon you and through you!!

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