
Friday, July 8, 2011


Once upon a time in my life some people whom I loved a lot, rejected my love and went away from my life. I was filled with so much pain that I could not able to bear their separation and the failure of my love. One day as I was walking on the road to a Christian assembly, I was thinking myself that how Jesus can understand the love failure without experiencing it. Then very soon, Jesus spoke in my heart saying “I can understand your pain because I know the pain of love failure when you started loving the world. My dear son, your love upon the world started with the love failure of mine upon you only. I know the pain of yours because I have experienced it”. When Jesus told me this, I really broke down and understood His love.
My dear young friends, when God’s people start loving the world or the things of the world, they have to know that their love starts with a love failure. They fail God’s love and starts loving the world. So it starts with the love failure with God. Even you may be in a situation where a girl or boy dejected your love and went away. Don’t worry. Return back to God’s love which you have failed once. He will comfort you and not leave you for Jesus knows the pain of love failure.

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