
Friday, August 12, 2011


My dear beloved friend who is reading this , you might be in an inexplicable situation right now. You would have left God and moved to a distance far from Him, you would have grieved God’s heart a lot because of your sinful life, your life would have been a toggle-game between standing and falling in Spiritual life and above all, you might be in a state where you hate yourself for whatever you have done; Jesus Christ, who died for you and resurrected from His earthly grave, is telling you this today: “Take courage, My dear child, I WILL NOT CAST YOU AWAY”. Even today, God loves you as you are. God’s love is an unchanging and everlasting love. Today Jesus Christ says to you: “My dear child, I love you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I will draw you to me.”

From the Bible if we see certain examples, we can understand the love of God. John 9:34 “They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.”

Pharisees and Jews judged a blind man as a sinner and they cast him out. But what did Jesus do?

Jesus heard what had happened,
Jesus found that man,
Jesus talked with Him and
Jesus revealed Himself to him.

In John 8:3-11, Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery and they wanted to cast her away and stone her to death. Even though Jesus Christ knew she was a sinner, what did He do?

Jesus did not cast her away,
Jesus saved her from the accusers and
Jesus never condemned her.

In Luke 7:37-50. A Pharisee says to himself in his heart that the woman, who washed Jesus feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed His feet and anointed them with ointment was a sinner. What did Jesus, who knew the entire life history of the woman, do?

Jesus testified her love before the accuser and
Jesus forgave all her sins.

My dear beloved, you might have been cast out by humans, you might have been surrounded by the accusers who put you down for your sins and who want to stone you to death. People might have stopped talking to you and you might have been hated by your very own loved ones. But trouble not, for Jesus loves you. He will never condemn you. He will save you from your accusers. He will talk to you and He will reveal Himself to you even when you have been cast out by the whole world. Yes my dear child, Jesus will never cast you away.

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