
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


(This maxim, which was composed by Watchman Nee around the year 1930, could very well sum up his life and ministry)

Let me love and not be respected;
Let me serve and not be rewarded;

Let me labor and not be remembered;
Let me suffer and not be regarded 

‘Tis the pouring not the drinking;
Tis the breaking, not the keeping —

A life suffering to seek others’ blessing,
A life loving and true comfort giving

Not expecting pity and concern,
Not accepting solace and applause;

Even lonely, even forgotten,
Even wordless, even forsaken.

Tears and blood my price for the righteous crown shall be;
Losing all, my cost for a faithful pilgrim’s life.

‘Tis the life, O Lord, that You chose to live
In those days when on earth You walked,

Gladly suffering all injuries and loss
So that all might draw near and repose.

I cannot see how much farther I shall go;
Still I press on knowing there is no return.

Let me follow Your pattern so perfect and true,
Bearing ingratitudes without complaint.

In this time of trial, O Lord, I pray
That You’ll wipe all my hidden tears away;

Let me learn, O Lord, You are my reward,
Let me be others’ blessing all my days.

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