
Monday, May 28, 2012


JEREMIAH 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know

God is promising you today that if you call to Him, He will answer your prayers and He will show you great and mighty things. The only thing which you have to do is to call Him. If we do that he will do the rest. We cannot do great and mighty things with our efforts since our capacity is limited. But if we do one little thing, you can receive great and mighty things.

For example, let us imagine a big house locked with lots of treasures inside. To enter into the house all you need is a small key. Likewise calling to Jesus is the same way as having a key to a big house filled with treasures. In the same way, I want to show you some of the people from Bible who called Lord Almighty and received great and mighty things from Him.

In II kings 20:5, the king Hezekiah called to the Lord and He answered him. God Himself says the reason why Hezekiah received grace in His sight. Hezekiah witnessed a miracle, because He called unto the Lord. Hezekiah had lots of faith in the power of prayer. Even though the prophet Isaiah prophesised that he will die, Hezekiah went ahead and pleaded with the Lord for mercy. Hezekiah called unto the Lord and God answered him with three things.
1. I will add to your days 15 years.
2. I will deliver you and the city.
3. I will defend the city for My own sake.

In the same way if you pour out your heart to God, He will not only give us what we have asked for but also the things which we never asked and imagined.

If you read Joshua 1:2to11, you can understand that Joshua got a great responsibility from Moses. As soon as he received the responsibility he faced a barrier .That was Jordan. This problem was not only for him but for the whole of Israel. In order to solve the uphill task, Joshua himself called to the Lord. Only after that God said to him that He heard his prayer. Then God told Joshua to ask the Israelites to sanctify themselves so that He will do wonders among them. The victory behind crossing the river Jordan was because Joshua looked up to God for every small things or barrier he faced.

In the book of judges, Samson was an anointed young man but never called unto the Lord or asks the Lord how he could use his strength or manifest his powers. After he lost all his strength in the end, only then he look up to the Lord. Even then God answered his prayer but it was too late. Samson lost his life.

But Elisha, after receiving the shawl from Elijah ( II kings 2;14) looked up to God asking him to help him cross the Jordan and start his prophetic ministry. His ministry was victorious and was more powerful than his master Elijah because he started it looking unto the mighty presence of God.

In Gethsemane, Jesus faced the soldiers who have come to take Him captive. The reason for Jesus boldness was because He had prayed that night earnestly. But disciples ran away and hid themselves because they slept.

My dear young friend, even today you might face a barrier like Jordan in your life or you might face a threatening situation which you think will take your life away. Remember, if you call to Jesus Christ today, He is faithful enough to help you and to do great and mighty things in your life. You have a God who can change your life for good. Look to Him and Call unto Him.

Psalmist says in Psalms 123:1,2 “Unto You I lift up my eyes,
O You who dwell in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the
Lord our God, Until He has mercy on us.”

Let your eyes also look to God so that He will bless you with great and mighty things which you have never imagined. God bless you.

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