
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Jesus Christ says in Matthew 28:20 “…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

What a wonderful promise that God has given us! My dear young friend, God is with you to give you hope, joy and peace that you are longing for. Whatever situation you may be in, God says to you: “My dear son, I am with you and I will not leave you.” Get encouraged my dear friend.

In a particular village to prove themselves every young man has to spend a night being alone in a deep forest with their eyes tied. It’s a custom followed by those village people. One day a father took his son into the deep forest and left him there in the midst of darkness with his eyes tied. As the midnight approaches, the young boy heard lots of horrible animal sounds which made him to tremble. He felt all alone and he thought that he will surely be harmed by any one of the animals. Somehow he managed to stay in that place throughout that night. But when he opened his eyes in the early morning, he was so surprised to see his father sitting on a rock before him with reddish eyes. He understood that he was not all alone on that particular night and his father watched him throughout the night staying awake.

If a worldly father can do this for a son, how much more our loving God who is faithful in His promises will do for you. He loves you a lot. You might go through a toughest situation in your life at this moment; do not be discouraged. Get encouraged. Your creator who is a loving Father is with you always. He will be with you and guard you. As He is with you, no harm or evil shall overpower you. He will take care of your life. God bless you.

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