
Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Recently I was asked to preach for two days in a prayer center near to my work place. Each day I have to speak in two worship service. The meetings were scheduled on Saturday (19/1) and Sunday (20/1). A week before the meeting God spoke to me through Holy Spirit and gave me four different messages. But due to my work schedule I could write only three messages clearly. I could not write the second service message which I have to share on Saturday. 

I prayed and went to the meeting. The first service was from 11.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M. The time to share God’s word came and I stood up to preach God’s word. Nothing came out of my mouth properly. I felt so bad about it. I felt God’s word was not reaching the people who sat there except two very old ladies. 

Somehow I had cut short the message and finished it very soon. I was so heart broken. I don’t know what to do. Again at 4.00 P.M, I have to share God’s word in the anointing meeting at the same place. I myself felt that I had no anointing. As I have to write the message for the second service, I went back to the room with a saddened heart. Holy Spirit spoke to me at that moment asking me to sleep for some time. I was so surprised to hear Holy Spirit speaking to me like that. He had known about my physical tiredness. I slept peacefully nearly for an hour.

Then I woke up and there was a divine peace in my heart. I waited at God’s feet for sometime and then started to write the message. I could feel God’s mighty presence upon me. Then I went to preach. This time as I stood up to preach again I felt God’s peace resting upon me. I was so happy about the way God moved in the second service. With so much of happiness I started to pray for the people individually.

As I was praying a very old lady came to me and shared her problem. She told me that she was 66 years old and there was some problem in her family. She came alone from a place which is nearly 40kms away from the place where I preached. What she had told next moved my heart. She told me that she didn’t ate anything from the morning as she was fasting on that day asking God to speak through the person who will be sharing God’s word in the afternoon service. She also told me very happily that God spoke to her throughout the message in that service.

Then Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, “My dear son, her prayer is one of the reasons why God’s presence moved so mightily in the afternoon service through you.” On that evening, I really understood the reason why God moved mightily in that service.

Bible says in James 5:16, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed……”

Being the children of Loving God, we should learn to pray for one another fervently.

I heard about the humbleness of a great Apostle (Late) Bro. DGS Dhinakaran. He was used by God so mightily and He was a big servant of God in India. But every time before he go and share God’s word, he used to fast and pray at the feet of the Lord for 3 days. Not only that, he will also call so many Pastors before the day of preaching and will ask them to pray for him through phone. The pastor’s spiritual experience and anointing might be so less compared to him but he will never despise their prayers for he knows the prayers of other people is also needed for God to move mightily.

My dear friends, there were times we think that we can move on in our lives with our own prayers. But we have to understand that the prayers of other people are also so essential in your life. Humble yourselves and do not despise the prayers of others. God will do mighty things in your life. God bless you.

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