
Monday, June 24, 2013


Recently I had read an article about Cancer. In that article it was written that according to the National Cancer Institute, nearly 22,00,000 people got affected by cancer in India. Also 80,000 people are getting affected by cancer every year and out of those nearly 25 percent has no provision for medication and so they are simply dying. 

Even throughout the world many people are getting affected by cancer. Few weeks back I heard news about the famous Actress Angelina Jolie. I heard that she got breast cancer and her two breasts were removed in the surgery. She had fame, she had money and she had beauty but yet no one could save her from getting affected by cancer.

There was a little kid who got affected by cancer. The parents opted for surgery and the doctors did surgery successfully. The little kid was taken home and was brought back for Chemotherapy. As she was undergoing Chemotherapy her mom used to feed the little kid. One day as she was feeding food the little kid got hiccups and soon the little kid died. 

One of my relative did surgery for breast cancer and one of her breasts was removed in the surgery. But within a year she died. 

You might have money; you might have courage; you might have a person who loves you so much and you might have fame. But you have to understand that only one can save you from the clutches of cancer death.

You might got affected by cancer and you might think that you will die. The Lord who made you, heaven and earth is saying to you today:
“… I am the Lord who heals you.” – Exodus 15:26

You might be battling with cancer for so many days. You might have gone through surgery. You might have done all the best things that you can do for yourself. Your loved ones might have got affected by cancer. Don’t get discouraged.

You have a hope. You have a God who can set you free from the clutches of cancer. You have a God who can heal you. 

My dear young friends, Jesus Christ can heal your cancer disease and set you free from the darkness of death. 

He says to you today: “ I will heal you.”

Three years back my mom got breast cancer and we were filled with so much of sorrow and agony. We had no one among our relative to help us. We thought we were all alone. But Jesus Christ promised us that He will be with us throughout the treatment. There were times our faith was tested and we had a fear that we will lose our mom. 

She had undergone surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. She is a woman who could never bear the pain of a headache but Jesus Christ helped her through His grace to bear all kinds of treatment.

Now after 3 years doctors are saying that there were no signs of cancer in my mom body and not only that even after 3 years she is alive and her health is in a perfect condition.

Even when I attend so many spiritual meetings I heard the testimonies of people whom got healed from cancer by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ can do the same to you.

If you look to Him with faith He will heal you. I can tell you that today my mom is alive because of the grace of Jesus Christ. Nearly for one year as she went through the stages of treatment we were broken in our heart but today we were living as a family filled with perfect and divine peace of God.

I still remember the day of surgery in which my dad was standing outside the operation theater and tears were rolling continuously on his cheeks. He cried like a child but today Jesus Christ has filled my father’s heart with joy and peace.

We cried and went through sorrow and pain when our mom got cancer. Relatives stood at distance but Jesus Christ stood with us and led us safe. Now we are happy in Christ.

My dear young friends, even your family members might be going through the path of sorrow and pain because of cancer. Hold onto Jesus Christ. He will bring back peace, joy and healing into your family. Your sorrow will turn to joy. You will surely receive God’s healing. 

Do not fear and tremble. Jesus Christ is with you to heal you and carry you safe. Jesus Christ will protect you. God bless you.

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