
Tuesday, August 13, 2013


There were certain times when I read some books I had felt the moving of Holy Spirit and His anointing upon the words written in those books. This is one such book in which you can sense God speaking to you through so many pages.

Surely God might have poured His anointing in a mighty way upon His servant when he started writing this book. Even though this book was written so many years ago, yet it touches the Spirit. The areas in which men were struggling was openly discussed and also the solutions were rightly pointed out through the guidance of Holy Spirit.

“We can no longer allow our past to destroy what God has for us in the present. All of us have crippling wounds and disadvantages hidden within. We know something is evading us. The ‘something’ we are grasping for is out of our reach. Although we work hard to obtain it, it keeps moving back. We blame each other, but we still know that we cannot get it. The only hope any of us have is in Jesus. Only Jesus can walk us through the barrier of time to invade our past. There He can make us comfortable with our uncomfortable parts and at peace with our frailties and brokenness. From the executive to the drug dealer, from the deacon to the doper, we have but one God to go to, yet something is standing in our way. We are in for a battle if we are serious about breaking free from that thing. One truth confronts you: ‘You can never become who you want to be until you can drop who you used to be’.”

As you read this book you will find some astonishing truths explained simply with some beautiful illustrations.

“Our salvation lies in the fact that God has put His hand on us. He set a chair in the midst of the angels in eternity. Then He told them:
“I am going to bring that man to sit in this seat, and he shall be Mine when I make up My jewels. I am going to bring him right here.”
The angels protested, “But Holy One, the man was dropped. He isn’t whole.”
“That doesn’t matter. I am going to bring him right here.”
“But he is a liar!”
“That’s all right. I am telling you, this is his seat. I have inscribed his name on it.”
“Oh, but he is a molester!”
“That’s ugly but that’s all right. I am going to bring him right here.”
“But Ancient One, I heard he was a pervert.”
“Even so, when it is all said and done and I have completed My teaching, preaching and ministering through My servants, that man is going to sit right here!”

This book will engage you at all levels and you will find some astonishing truths about the way we live and the way we behave. It deals with our inner thoughts and also with our outward behaviour.

“How can we condemn abortion and then shun women with illegitimate children? How can we condemn divorce and fail to teach and practice restoration for damaged marriages? How can we minister to drug addicts, homosexuals, alcoholics, and other addictive/compulsive behaviors and fail to prepare to invest the weeks, months or years it may take to untangle the grave clothes that are holding up the divine recycling process? What good is it to get the former criminal out of jail if we won’t give him a job when he returns to society?”

Even though this book was written based on the struggles and behavior of men it also carries some advice to wives whose husbands were struggling.

“If you are the wife of a man who has been through a highly addictive situation that traumatized you both, then I understand your pain, your fear and your reluctance to trust again. If you really want to see the glory of God raise him up completely, then you must be courageous enough to release him. The greatest gift you can give him as well as yourself is the gift of forgiveness. Take the handcuffs off him and allow God to heal or un-forgiveness will imprison both of you. If you can’t trust him, then trust God. It will not be easy but it is important for you to experience healing and forgiveness on a deeper level.”

I can definitely say that Holy Spirit will speak to you, encourage you and enlighten you through this book. If you are a guy or men who are struggling and wants to know the reality of your masculinity and God’s purpose at various stages of your life, then this book is definitely for you.

As you read this book definitely you will not be the same. This book will surely help you to grow in your Spiritual life. Not only that but this book will also mould you to be a good son to the Heavenly Father, loving husband to your wife, caring dad to your children and a man of rich character to the society. Read this book and be blessed. God bless you richly.

(Note: The passages that were bold and typed in italic was taken from the book itself)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to a dear brother at work, who bought this book for me, as a gift 😏😉
