
Thursday, August 22, 2013



#Inspiration 1
“I have a choice. You have a choice. We can choose to dwell on disappointments and shortcomings... to be bitter, angry or sad. Or when faced with hard times and hurtful people, we can choose to learn from the experience and move forward, taking responsibility for our own happiness.”

#Inspiration 2
“Only God knows how our lives will unfold. Hope is His gift to us, a window to look through. We cannot know the future He has planned for us. Trust in Him, keep hope in your heart, and even when faced with the worst, do whatever you can to prepare yourself for the best.”

#Inspiration 3
“I talk about FAITH as an acronym: Full Assurance In The Heart. I may not be able to produce evidence for all that I believe in, but I feel fully assured in my heart that I am much closer to the truth by living with faith than I would be by living in despair.”

#Inspiration 4
“Instead of dwelling on your imperfections, your failings, or your mistakes, focus on your blessings and the contribution you can make, whether it’s a talent, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, hard work, or a nurturing soul.”

#Inspiration 5
“You and I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face... Optimism is empowering-it gives you control over your emotions. Pessimism weakens your will and allows your moods to control your actions.”

#Inspiration 6
“So many people are handicapped by fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, fear of making a commitment, even fear of success. It’s inevitable that fears will come knocking on your door. You don’t have to let them in.”

#Inspiration 7
“Losing doesn’t make you a loser any more than striking out makes a great baseball player a benchwarmer. As long as you stay in the game and keep swinging, you can still be a slugger.”

#Inspiration 8
“There are two major types of change that tend to challenge us and disrupt our day-to-day lives. The first happens to us. The second happens within us. We can’t control the first, but we can and should control the second.”

#Inspiration 9
“The art to reading people, relating to them, engaging with them and stepping into their shoes, knowing whom to trust and how to be trustworthy, is critical to your success and happiness. Few people succeed without the ability to build relationships based on mutual understanding and trust. We all need not just someone to love but also friends, mentors, role models and supporters who buy into our dreams and help us achieve them.”

#Inspiration 10
“To pursue your dreams you have to take action. Move it or lose it. Act or be acted upon. If you don’t have what you want, consider creating what you want. God will light the path. Your chance of a lifetime, the door to your dreams is open. Your path to a purpose may present itself at any moment. Be ready for it. Do all you need to do. Learn all you need to know. If no one comes knocking, beat down a few doors. One day you will step into the life you desire.”

#Inspiration 11
“You can’t be a winner unless you are willing to face defeat.”

#Inspiration 12
“The more I dwelled on my own challenges, the worse I felt, but when I changed my focus to serving the needs of someone else, it lifted my spirits and helped me understand that no one suffers alone.”

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