
Saturday, August 10, 2013


Few days back I was waiting on a bus stop for my college bus. Suddenly it started raining. I ran into a shed to avoid getting drenched. Soon I saw the bus coming towards the stop and I ran so fast to get into the bus. As I went near to the entrance, the driver applied the brake and the entire water which was on the top poured through the outlet which was near to the top of the bus entrance.  I stood exactly below the outlet and the driver asked me to move away quickly but it was too late and I could do nothing.

So I got completely drenched and entered into the bus. There were two ladies who had seated in the front of the bus. In the beginning they showed sympathy on me for what had happened to me, then one of the ladies criticized my mistake and told the driver that she would have got escaped if she was there on my place and then they passed the news to the third lady who entered the bus later. 

No way had their reactions or words brought any comfort to me nor did it change the situation of my life.  

Many a times in our life when we go through failures in our worldly and Spiritual life, some people look to us with sympathy, some condemn us for our mistakes, some will boast about their own strength and some will talk about our mistake with others and will make fun of us. But no way will their words or deeds help us. 

You might be broken in your heart as someone around you is making fun of your failures. Everyone around you might be criticizing your mistake and they might have failed to comfort you or lift you. Because of the behavior of those around you, today you might be living in rejection and pain. Do not get discouraged. 

Psalmist says in Psalms 116:6-9, “The Lord preserves the simple; I was brought low and He saved me. Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you. For you have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.”

People around you might reject you but Jesus Christ will preserve and protect you. You might be brought low by your own loved ones but Jesus Christ will save you. He will deal with the situation of your life and He will deliver you from all evil. So don’t get discouraged for you have a God who loves you than anyone else in this world. 

In John 8:3-11 we read about a incident in which a woman caught in adultery was brought by Pharisees and Scribes to Jesus Christ. Pharisees and Scribes caught that woman in adultery. It’s true that she had committed a mistake. People around her condemned her and wanted her to be stoned to death. With all this thoughts they brought her to Jesus Christ. Jesus asked someone who had no sin in his life to throw the stone at her first. Till that moment, everyone around her behaved as if they are so holy. No one came forward to throw a stone at her as their life was also filled with sin. Those sinners went away but there stood Jesus Christ who has no sin in His life. 

He has the right to throw the stones at her but He says to her that He will not condemn her. That is the love of Jesus Christ upon everyone.

My dear young friends, people around you might have surrounded you and they might throw stones of accusation, stones of advice, and stones of wrong words at you to put your soul to death. There were times you might have hated yourself and you might have felt that you should throw a stone at yourself. 

Do not hate yourself and do not look to what other person does to you. Today run to the presence of Jesus Christ and surrender the situations of life to Him. He will confront your enemies and He will protect you. Also He will never condemn you. He will give you His grace to you so that you will live a successful life.

Remember, only Jesus Christ can help you and He alone can change the situations of your life for good. Trust in Jesus Christ. He will raise you. God bless you.

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