
Thursday, September 19, 2013


Jesus is the perfect expression of love. He lived to die for our sins. He proved to us His true love by sacrificing His own life. That is why we can boldly say that Jesus loves us unconditionally. The same Jesus is expecting something from’s our love in return. So, how can we demonstrate our love to Jesus?

Mary Magdalene was one of the women followers of Christ. She was the first person to witness the empty tomb and the resurrected Jesus. Before she followed Christ, she was possessed with seven demons. Jesus set her free and gave her a new life. From then on she started to follow Christ. How did this Mary Magdalene demonstrate her love to God after she got saved from the clutches of devil?

1.      Surrendering everything:
              We read in Luke 7:37 that Mary poured an alabaster jar of perfume at the feet of Jesus. According to Jews tradition, the costlier and valuable alabaster ointment will be poured at the feet of husband to tell that wives are their life. When Mary Magdalene did that, she truly meant that Jesus was her life. She surrendered her past, present and future at the feet of Jesus. She trusted Him completely and loved Him; that is why surrendered everything to Jesus. We also need to surrender our lives to Him, to show that Jesus is our only life.

2.      Seeking Him early:
                 We read in John 20:1 that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early in the morning when it was yet dark. Out of her love, she went to see Jesus even before sun rise. Mary Magdalene lived in ancient times where ladies were restricted based on culture. If a woman is found walking alone in dark time, they’ll be condemned to death. They were never allowed to go out in dark or even in early mornings.  But she was determined and had overcome those obstacles in order to meet Jesus. This shows the depth of her love.  Are we overcoming the obstacles like our tiredness, laziness or any other things to show our love towards God? When I was a kid my grandma won’t allow my mom to pray; so my mom would get up early in the morning before my grandma could wake up (i.e. before sun rise) and pray. That prayer mattered a lot in our family. In the same way, God expects each and every one of us to seek him early in the morning.   

3.      Focusing only Him:
                  We read in Luke 7:36-39 that Jesus was in a house to have dinner with a man. Though Jesus was not the only person there, Mary did not notice anything else in that dinner except Jesus. She was not bothered what others would talk about her. She was just focused on Jesus and only His words mattered to her. Also we read in John 20:14, 15 that Mary was speaking with angels and she turned herself to see Jesus. Though she was talking to angels, she was not contented. She was desperate to see Jesus and that shows her love. As she was focused only on Him, she saw the resurrected Jesus. She focused her heart only to God’s word and not to the words of other people. Even today, we can demonstrate our love by just focusing on Jesus and prioritizing Him in our lives.

Jesus proved His love. He is longing for your love today. Demonstrate your love to Jesus and make Him happy. Your true love is the long awaiting happiness which Jesus will experience. So, express your love today and make Jesus smile!

(Note: My dear young friends, this article was written by Ms. Shastipriya and it was edited and modified by Ms. Melinda Charlet. Both are studying 3rd Year Undergraduate Course in Electronics and Communication Engg. GHG team thank Ms. Shastipriya and Ms. Melinda Charlet for the article. May God bless both of them abundantly. If you wish to send your article, mail it to

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