
Saturday, November 2, 2013


“Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth...” – Isaiah 43:19

Till this moment you might have gone through a pathetic situation which had brought you so much sorrow and pain. You might feel like you have lost everything in your life. Do not get discouraged. Today God is promising you that He will do a new thing in your life.

You will have a new beginning in your studies; you will have a new beginning in your job; you will have a new beginning in your family life; you will have a new beginning in your physical health; you will have a new beginning in your spiritual life. You might wonder who will create that new beginning for you. Today Jesus Christ is promising you that He will do that new beginning for you. Because you have cried at His feet for so long you will find that new blessing in your life.

The new blessed thing that Jesus Christ is going to give you will bring more happiness than what you had in the past. The new thing that God is going to do will be a great blessing to you. It will be tastier than your previous blessing and your heart will be filled with overflowing joy.

In John 2 we read that Jesus went to a marriage at Cana. He came to know that the wine was finished. They had no more wine and so Jesus asked them to fill the jars with water and He turned the water into wine. The wine was distributed to the man who was the in charge of the fest and as he tasted it he found that the new wine was so tastier than the previous wine. This is the blessing that Jesus Christ is going to do in your life today.

You might have come to a stage where you think that you have lost all your blessing and you have no more blessing. As you cry to Jesus Christ for help He will come into your life and He will do a new thing which will be so beautiful and wonderful than your previous blessings.

You will be filled with joy and peace. Jesus Christ will be your comfort. You will shed no more tears. He will take you through the new blessing which you have not comprehended at all.

There lived a young man going ahead in his life journey with full of hopes and dreams but due to erroneous companion miserably end up in prison.  The pathetic journey to prison underway with mischievous rob at others house. Someday when he and his friends was about to steal from house they were caught in the sight of someone and in order to escape they unfortunately killed that person. Alas he become murderer and was thrown into dungeon. He was pondering his past days and he remorse over it. He was broken felt desolate and there no glimpse of hope in his life. Later one day a man of God came to that prison and preached about the love of Jesus Christ to him. As he heard about God’s love with tears he asked that man of God, “Will Jesus Christ forgive my sins and will he give me a new life?” The man of God replied yes and as he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ, he experienced the eternal joy and peace in his heart. Indeed God gave him a new heart and he lived a life filled with God’s peace.

Today you might also feel restless because of your past sins or mistakes. Do not cry. Go to Jesus Christ in prayer and surrender your life to Him. As you pour out your heart at His feet, He will bless you with a new blessing and you will be filled with joy and happiness.

Never feel down for God is there to bless you and carry you. Have a blessed and joyful future. God be with you.

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