
Thursday, January 16, 2014


“Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would increase abundantly.” – Job 8:7

Exactly three years ago, on this same day God had put a thought in my mind to start a blog. Before that I used to write articles for God’s glory about His love that carries me whenever I feel low about myself. Then I used to upload those on a website named 'shelovesgod'. After some days I visited and find out how many people saw my articles. That site has quite a good number of visitors and so I got some good page hits. Whenever I saw those page hits, I would fly in air thinking that people around the world are reading my articles.
Since I was an ordinary guy these things meant a lot to me and it brought so much comfort to me. Then on one particular day, God had put a thought in my mind to put all those articles in a blog. I visited several blogs both secular and spiritual and learnt a lot from those blogs. God taught me several things about blogging and through His grace I could start a blog on 16th January 2011.

On those days I used to put many articles on one day and then I'll never update. One year passed like that.In first year of the blog, I have uploaded only 57 articles in which I never wrote many. Later Holy Spirit spoke to me about updating the blog on the daily basis. 

Also He told me to open several sections and put article under several heads. I loved that idea because I felt that if I kept on writing without any change, people will get bored and so on. As Holy Spirit directed I learnt to put articles written by others also under several heads which is bringing blessing to so many people even now.

When I started this blog I never had an idea about advertising. I wanted to advertise about this blog wherever I can so that so many people will visit my blog. Knowing my idea God told me not to advertise about this blog anywhere and He promised me saying that, He will bring people who are in need to visit this blog at anytime He wanted them to visit. Also He told me not to worry about the number of visitors I get daily, but to be focused and pray for the articles I have uploaded waiting for Him to speak and lead.

Initially I had very few visitors who were my sisters given by God to me. Most of my family people never knew anything about internet and so even to this day none of my own family members have visited my blog. I could not forget the encouragements given to me by Aishwarya and Shalina. They both were the only visitors at the time when I started the blog and whatever I write even to this day, they say that it was a great blessing to them. Their words encouraged me a lot. Some friends of my sister Aishwarya also started to read the blog later based on her recommendations.

Slowly other people who were very close to me started visiting the blog and encouraged me. I could not forget the words of my dearest God given brother Ravi at my difficult times which encouraged me a lot. Also another brother George Esli and sister Shasti priya, Melinda;they all supported me and stood by me.

After my marriage got fixed, my sister-in-law started to visit the blog and her words of appreciation is motivating me even to this day. My wife appreciates me when I write a good article but her support is really great. She never disturbed me when I do something for God and she stands by my side always. I thank God for all these people who were so close to me and supported me thus far.

Apart from these people, nowadays God is bringing in some people from all over the world. I don't even know them by name. Also I do not get many comments for the article written. But one thing God has assured me that whoever He brings to this blog will be blessed at least through one of the articles. 

Even to  this day, I look up to God alone for writing articles and He has led me thus far. I know even in this fourth year He will speak to me and lead me to continue this blog for His glory and  for the blessing of others.

I know I am nothing. I thank God for His Golden Hands of Grace that has carried me thus far. I know He will carry me in the coming days. I also thank God for choosing me to start a blog even when I stood far away from Him. 

To God be all the glory. 

“He must become greater; I must become less.” – John 3:30

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