
Tuesday, May 6, 2014


“A Christian grows when he prays... The person who waits to pray until he feels like it will never pray. The devil will see to that. The Bible says you are to pray without ceasing. That means that you can be in a spirit of prayer while driving the car, walking down the street, working in the office, or wherever you may be. Every Christian should have a quiet time alone with God every day. Your spiritual life will never be much without it. Prayers should be filled with praise to God, with thanksgiving for all the wonderful things He has done. Self examination should be in your prayers, as you confess shortcomings. God is interested in hearing your personal requests, no matter how small. You should seek guidance in prayer. An important thing to remember is that you should pray that God’s will be done and not your will. People make mistakes. God doesn’t. Learn the secret of prayer. Christ’s prayer life was one of the most amazing and impressive features of His earthly ministry. He prayed with His disciples. He prayed in secret. Sometimes He spent all night in prayer. If He, the sinless Son of God, could not live His earthly life without constant fellowship with God, can you?” - Written by Rev. Billy Graham

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