
Monday, August 18, 2014


During the question hour in a Bible conference Dr.D.M.Stearns received a question from the audience which read like this. “If you had prayed all your life for the salvation of a loved one, and then you get a word that that person had died without giving any evidence of repentance after having lived a sinful life, what would you think, both of prayer itself and of the love of God and His promises to answer?” It was a striking question and everyone in the room sat up and wondered what the speaker would have to say in reply to it. He said, “Well, dear sister, I should expect to meet that loved one in heaven, for I believe in a God who answers prayer, and if He put that exercise upon your heart to pray for that dear one, it was because He, doubtless, intended to answer it.”
Then Dr.Stearns told the story of a boy who had been brought up in church and Sunday school, but drifted away from everything holy when he grew up to be a youth. He became a rough, careless, godless sailor. One night his mother was awakened from her sleep. She felt that her son was in great danger and she immediately knelt down beside her bed and prayed to God earnestly to take care of the boy. Day after day she kept wondering to herself of this incident. Several weeks passed. One day there was a knock at the door. When she went to open it, there stood her boy! As soon as he entered the room, he said, “Mother I’m saved.” Then he told her the wonderful story of how he was saved one night from a furious storm which struck the Atlantic and how at that very moment he gave his life to Jesus.
Dear friends, now suppose that young man had died in the storm, his mother might have thought that he was lost forever in sin. But God permitted him to live and come back to his mother with the testimony of His wonderful grace. So let us not lose heart but keep on praying for the unsaved because surely they will accept Jesus as their Lord one day.

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