
Saturday, August 2, 2014


“...For I will turn their mourning to joy, Will comfort them, And make them rejoice rather than sorrow.” – Jeremiah 31:13

Today you might be going through tough times with heart full of sorrow as there was no one to comfort you. You might feel like you will lose everything and you will be put to shame. Do not get discouraged. 

Jesus Christ is promising you today that He will turn your mourning to joy. He will comfort you and fill you with His joy. Your days of mourning will end. You will be filled with God’s peace and joy.

In the year 2010 my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a blessing that God has given us. We treasure her advices and prayers a lot. But on those days sorrow filled our hearts and we could not even smile at others. One side we kept our hope in God and prayed a lot and on the other side we thought she might die. 

Our relatives and well wishers could not comfort us. With heavy heart we went for surgery. Jesus Christ gave His grace to the doctors to perform the surgery. The surgery was success and my mom was confronted with radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. 

We know that she could not even bear a simple head ache. So we wondered how she will bear the pain of chemotherapy. My mom pleaded to God to keep her alive so that she can see my marriage. 

Jesus Christ promised her that He will be with her throughout the treatment. As He promised, He had never left us alone. He comforted us and He gave His strength to my mom to go through all kinds of treatments. After one year when doctors checked my mom they found that she was completely fine. 

We were so happy and rejoicing. We thanked God for He had turned all our sorrows into joy. My mom’s health was stable and soon I got married. My mom was so happy to attend my marriage. 

Years passed by. Recently few weeks ago, suddenly my mom got terribly ill. No doctors could actually find a reason for her weakness. As days passed she could not stand at all. As a family we pleaded to God to give her life. But as my mom had completed all her duties, she was ready to die because she knows for sure that she will go to Heaven. 

We also know that she will go to Heaven because even in simple things she led a righteous life. But yet we loved her a lot and we want her to live along with our dad to pray for us and our children. 

With so much of sorrow we admitted her in a hospital but yet her health was not completely alright. As our hearts were filled with fear, we prayed a lot. 

Jesus Christ heard her prayers and He healed her completely. Few days back she went for a complete check up in the hospital where she got treated for cancer and doctors told us that my mother was completely fine and there are no signs of any disease within her body. 

Jesus Christ turned our sorrows into joy. He had put an end to our mourning. Even today He is leading us with His peace and joy. 

My dear young friends, Jesus Christ will do the same in your life. Today the situation may be different. You might have lost all hopes about your future. There might be no signs of help from anyone. Do not fear. Jesus Christ will help you. He will be your comfort and here after you will only rejoice. There will not be any more sorrows in your life. Your life will be filled with God’s peace. Your family life will be taken care by God and all that belongs to you will be protected by God. You will live happily. God bless you.

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