
Tuesday, September 9, 2014


In Luke 18.27 the Lord Jesus is recorded as saying: “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” We all know the context in which the Lord said this word. A young man had come to Him and asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (v.18) Since he asked what he should do, the Lord answered, “Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and mother” (v.20). Our Lord mentioned these five commandments to show that there were things to do and things not to do if anyone thought of inheriting eternal life (the uncreated life of God) by works. The young man regarded himself as having observed all these commandments from his youth up. But the Lord reminded him, “One thing thou lackest yet” (v.22a).
There is a principle to be learned from this passage. When the young man asked the Lord what he should do to inherit eternal life, our Lord told him only five of the commandments. Why not tell him all? Why, after having mentioned but five of them, did the Lord add, “One thing thou lackest yet”? The only reason was to let him know his inability. Eternal life is a gift; it is God’s grace; it cannot be earned by man’s works. But the young man did not understand; he even boasted that he had observed all five of these commandments from his youth. The Lord knew, however, that there was one thing this young man could not do; so He added, “One thing thou lackest yet?” And we know the end of the story: the young man failed to inherit by works.
Now concerning this matter of victory, it runs along the same principle. Some of you may claim that you are not as proud or jealous or hard as many other people. In fact, you may be better in many areas of life than are others. Yet God knows there is one area in your life which you cannot overcome. He leaves this thing in you to cause you to see that with man this is impossible. You deduce you can do all things because you have not committed adultery, murdered, stolen, or borne false witness and have honored your parents. Were anyone to ask you if you have overcome, you would probably answer that you have overcome in this thing and that thing. And you would thus reckon that all is well. However, the question today is not how many things you have overcome, but is there one particular thing you cannot overcome? God allows this thing to remain in your life so as to convince you of your inability.
We have already seen that God’s verdict for us is that we deserve to be crucified. For He knows us through and through. He knows we cannot overcome sin, nor can we even do good. He has seen us through clearly but we see ourselves dimly. So that when God declares we are worthless and useless, we still consider ourselves to be somewhat good and useful. Notwithstanding our claim to be good, however, God declares to each of us: “One thing thou lackest yet.” Some people are troubled by their hot temper; others, by their hardness. One may not be proud or jealous, but his hardness always follows him: “One thing thou lackest yet” There must be one area which he has not overcome, one sin that he has no power to conquer. Someone may not be proud or jealous or hard or hot-tempered, but his mouth operates incessantly. He cannot live without talking. He may proclaim that he has committed neither this nor that nor the other sin, but the Lord will say to him, “One thing thou lackest yet.” Or someone else is tight with money. Throughout his life he has not committed any gross sin; nonetheless, he commits the sin of greediness. The love of money is the basic ingredient of his conduct. Hence God says to him: “One thing thou lackest yet.” And this one thing proves his inability. People long to have a perfect life manifested in them, but they have one thing which testifies against them. Thus the first condition is to confess this one thing. With some, it is pride; with others, it is jealousy; with some, it is talkativeness; with others, it is unclean thoughts. And with many, it is even more than one thing.
What was the Lord trying to say? Salvation is impossible with men; life eternal is impossible with men; victory is impossible with men; abundant life is impossible with men. Yet the young man refused to believe he was unable. How bold, strong and confident were the phrases that passed from his lips: “from my youth up,” “all these things,” “I have observed.” What a majestic-sounding answer! How elated he must have felt! He thought he had all in his life under control. But the Lord responded with: “One thing thou lackest yet” You may argue that you do not have the sins of pride, jealousy, hardness, impure thoughts, or talkativeness that I have mentioned. But let me echo our Lord Jesus: “One thing thou lackest yet.” Go alone to God’s presence and ponder what thing it is that you lack.

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