
Saturday, October 4, 2014


I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” – John 14:18

There were times when we go through tough times, we feel alone doubting about God’s presence in our life. Today you might be going through such path. Jesus Christ is promising you today that He will not leave you as orphan. He will come to you to comfort you and bless you.

In John 5th Chapter we read about a man who was sick for thirty eight years was lying by the side of Bethesda pool. He was in a desperate need to be healed. He explains his condition in John 5:7, “The sick man answered, “Sir, I don't have anyone here to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up; while I am trying to get in, somebody else gets there first.”

The sick man was facing a tough situation for several years. He was in a need but yet he says that he don’t have anyone to help him to come out of the situation. He was left orphan by his household and his relatives. No one bothered about his healing. Everyone around him was busy looking after their own needs. He was in a pathetic state left all alone.

Though people had left him, Jesus has not left him orphan. He came to him. John 5:6 says, “When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time..."

Jesus Christ who knew the condition and the feelings of that sick man, came to him and healed him. Jesus Christ who did that miracle in the sick man’s life will do it today in your life.

For years you might be facing a problem. It might be a sin, family problem or financial problem. Whatever might be the problem, today Jesus Christ will enter into your life to set you free from the problem that troubles you. You might think that Jesus Christ doesn’t care about your worries and struggles. You are wrong. Jesus Christ knew your condition. He knew your situation. He knew your weakness. He knew what troubles you for a long time.

Today He wants to set you free. All you have to do is put your troubles in the feet of the Lord for He cares for you.

Few years back, when my mother got cancer she used to pray with tears in the midnight telling God that she was all alone in that path. Everyone of our family felt the same but we could not share our worries with each other. My mother was the one who got affected so much. She feared to face the various treatments and surgery. She feared that she will die without seeing my marriage.

One day Jesus Christ spoke to her directly saying, “I am with you. I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. Nothing will harm you my child.”

Hearing the words of Jesus Christ my mom’s heart was filled with so much comfort and joy. She went through the surgery and various treatments putting her trust in Jesus Christ. As God promised His mighty presence stayed with my mom at all times and today she is completely fine and in good health. God gave His grace to her to see the daughter He gave to me.

My dear young friend, you will not die. Your own eyes will see God’s mighty hands doing mighty things in your life. You will receive miracles. You will be comforted. Jesus Christ will never leave you orphan. As long as you live, Jesus Christ will be with you to bless you and carry you. So do not get discouraged. Jesus Christ will never leave you nor forsake you. God bless you 

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