
Monday, March 14, 2016


“ will not be forgotten by Me.” – Isaiah 44:21

Recently my eldest brother eight year old son got severe stomach pain and when we took him to doctor they diagnosed that he was suffering from Acute Appendicitis. They advised us to go for immediate surgery. Within overnight surgery was fixed and it was done. 

After few hours he was all alone in the post operative ward and the doctors had kept him there for 24 hours for observation. When I saw him lying in the bed all alone in that room as we were not allowed to enter, lot of questions came into my mind. 

This was the first time in our family that someone who is very young has undergone the surgery. As I was thinking day before yesterday about all the problems that were going on, only one promise crossed my mind immediately. It is written in Isaiah 44:21, “...You will not be forgotten by Me.”

There were times when we go through tough situations several questions come in our mind. When we could not find answers to all those questions our faith gets shaken. Great sorrow fills our heart and we could not move on. 

Sarah was barren and she was very old but God had never forgotten her. He blessed her with Isaac. 

Once, Elijah ran for his life. He prayed to God that he might die rather than live. But God had never forgotten him. He gave him the courage to move on.

Today you might feel like it’s better to die. You are broken and you are losing the desire to live. You don’t understand the reason for everything that was happening in your life. 

My dear young friend, do not get discouraged. God has a purpose in your life. You are not forgotten by God. He remembers you and He will bless you. He will calm the storm that troubles you. You will be safe in God’s hands. 

I understood that God has a purpose in the life of my eldest brother’s son. And to fulfil that purpose in his life God is taking him through certain path. I knew for sure God has not forgotten him. Because of His grace alone he came out of the surgery in a good health and he could able to bear the pain in this very young age. 

God has not forgotten you and He will never forget you. Your loved ones might forget you but God will never forget you. He will not forsake you. Just hold on. Jesus Christ will make everything beautiful in His time and you will be filled with His blessings and peace.

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