
Monday, August 14, 2017


“…for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me."- Acts 27:25

The ship in which Paul was taken had caught by the storm. Those who were in the ship tried every possibility but nothing could bring the ship out of danger.

 When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved."- Acts 27:20

They could see neither sun nor stars for many days and so everyone in the ship lost their hope. But then the angel of the Lord appeared to Paul and said that all those who travel with him will be saved along with him.

1.      Today because of your circumstances you might be losing your hope. Your life is filled with darkness and so you might be desperately looking for a miracle. Do not get discouraged. You are not going to perish. You are not going to fail anymore. You are not going to go down into the pit again. Your life will be saved and you will live says Holy Spirit to you.

After God has spoken with Paul, the circumstance doesn’t change immediately. But then Paul stood by his faith and said that God will do what He has promised to him.

2.      Even in your life your circumstances and situations might contradict with what God has promised you. But then do not lose your faith. Believe that God will do what He has promised to you.

The promise was given to them after the third day but then they could sense a land only on the fourteenth night. Even then God was so faithful to them that He had saved all those who travelled with Paul.

3.      What God has promised with His own mouth, He will fulfil with His own hand in your life.

4.      Remember, God doesn’t need a calm perfect ocean to take you to the shore. He works in a supernatural way. Sometimes He will calm the storm in your life and take you to the Promised Land and sometimes He will take you to the promised Land through the storms also. So have faith in God at all situations. He will surely keep you safe.

#GHG Short Devotions

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