
Monday, November 6, 2017


“…her face was no longer sad.” – 1 Samuel 1:18

Hannah went to the presence of the Lord and wept in anguish. She was in bitterness of soul says Bible. But then when she finished her prayer she was no longer sad.

Your face will no longer be sad says God to you today.

What kind of situation Hannah went through?

1.     She went through miserable situation because of somebody.

2.     Her state of agony seems to be a drunken state to somebody.

Even today you might be going through a sorrowful state. People around you might not understand what you are going through. Someone might have called you a wicked person. You might face wrath of someone for the things that you have not done. Do not lose hope. God will do justice. 

What Hannah did that brought joy into her life?

1.     She poured her heart to God and she believed in God.

Her situation had not changed immediately after she poured her heart to God. But she had never let her situation trouble her once she gave that matter into the Hands of God. She believed that definitely God will answer her prayers and so she was no longer unhappy. God changed her sorrow to joy. God remember her as she believed in God. 

God will remove all your sorrows and fill your heart with His peace as you have cried unto God. God will open all the doors that was closed in your life. He will not despise your tears for He cares for you. Believe that God will do miracle in your life and surely, He will do so.

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