
Monday, December 11, 2017


“So Abraham rose early in the morning, and took bread and a skin of water; and putting it on her shoulder, he gave it and the boy to Hagar, and sent her away. Then she departed and wandered in the Wilderness of Beersheba.” – Genesis 21:14

In Genesis 35:23-26 we could read about the twelve sons of Jacob. The count includes the sons that he got through the maidservants of Leah and Rachel. Even Abraham got a son through the maidservant of Sarah. But then one day as God asked Abraham to do as Sarah said, he sent Hagar and his son away. 

We read in Bible that God has blessed Abraham in everything. He had so much of wealth and blessings. But then when he sent his own son and Hagar away, he just gave bread and a skin of water. He should have given so many things to Hagar and his son but he failed to do that. Soon they were in the verge of death and she wept. Hearing the voice of her son, God interfered and made her see a well of water.  

Abraham gave Hagar skin of water but God gave her well of water. That’s God’s love! His love upon you is everlasting and He never leaves you nor forsake you. 

1.     You will be satisfied with God’s Love.

Someone out there, you are ditched by someone whom you had loved and trusted. You are thrown out after being used for selfish reasons. You lost everything and standing without anything. Today God wants me to tell you that He will satisfy you with His love. God has started to fulfil His will upon your life and He wants you to know that He cares for you and He has greater plans regarding your future. You will be satisfied with My love says God to you. As God made the son of Hagar a great nation, He will also raise you in front of the one who betrayed and ditched you.

2.     You will be satisfied with God’s goodness.

Hagar wandered in the wilderness and was in tears. God made her to live. You might be longing for some blessings that you lack in your life. You might have lost hope about your future. You will be satisfied with My goodness says God to you.

#GHG Short Devotions

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