“I want something really worthwhile to live for. I want to invest this one life of mine as wisely as possible, in the place that yields the richest profits to the world and me…wherever it is, I want it to be God’s choice for me and not my own… Christ said, “He that would find his life shall lose it” and proved the truth of this divine paradox at Calvary. I want Him to lead me and His Holy Spirit to fill me.” – Betty Stam

Wednesday, December 21, 2011




A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill in his hand. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well, what if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still, the hands went up.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But, no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in God's eyes. To Him, dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless.

Thought: The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we are, but in WHOSE we are. Remember one thing: JESUS IS YOUR FATHER AND YOU ARE HIS CHILD. THAT ALONE MAKES YOU WORTHY AND NOT ANYTHING ELSE.


As a drought continued for what seemed an eternity, a small community of farmers was in a quandary as to what to do. Rain was important to keep their crops healthy and sustain the town people’s way of life. 

As the problem became more acute, a local pastor called a prayer meeting to ask for rain. Many people arrived. The pastor greeted most of them as they filed in. As he walked to the front of the church to officially begin the meeting he noticed most people were chatting across the aisles and socializing with friends. When he reached the front his thoughts were on quieting the attendees and starting the meeting. 

His eyes scanned the crowd as he asked for quiet. He noticed an eleven year-old girl sitting quietly in the front row. Her face was beaming with excitement. Next to her, poised and ready for use, was a bright red umbrella. The little girl's beauty and innocence made the pastor smile as he realized how much faith she possessed. No one else in the congregation had brought an umbrella. 

All came to pray for rain, but the little girl had come expecting God to answer. We all have something to learn from this young girl.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


There was a woman who had suffered terribly from severe bleeding for twelve years, even though she had been treated by many doctors. She had spent all her money, but instead of getting better she got worse all the time. On those days of desperation and agony, she had heard about Jesus.
One day as Jesus came to preach in her town, she came in the crowd behind Him, saying to herself, “If I just touch His clothes, I will get well.”

She touched the cloak and her bleeding stopped at once. (Mark 5:25-29)

She just laid her hands on the hem of Jesus’ cloak, but she was healed. Her little faith in Jesus was very strong. She ran through the crowd that was keeping her away from Jesus. She might have had a difficult time reaching there; she might have fallen and hurt herself even more. But in her heart, she believed that if she could just reach Jesus, if she could just be a hand reach away from Him, if she could just touch the cloak of Jesus, she would be healed.

Yes sometimes we don’t realize that maybe just a little or an inch of faith is all it takes. There are many among us who have been suffering from long term illnesses. Some with cancer, some with heart diseases, some with diseases which never stop, like those whose eyes keep tearing, some who have dry coughs, some who has knee pains almost every day, some who can’t stand for long.
 Have you consulted with the doctor who gives life; the doctor who died for you; the doctor who still waits for you to come to Him and to call to Him?  

Jesus is not only waiting for the physically sick but also for all those who are spiritually down.Those who can’t give his or her full trust in the Lord, those who think that God doesn’t really have a part in their life, many others who just walked away because they had many negative incidents in their life. Sometimes we feel if there was a God, He wouldn’t have let this happened. But everything that happens in your life is a plan of God; A plan to bring you more nearer to Him. 

My dear friend, you may be physically or spiritually sick today. You might have lost all the hopes on people and on yourself. Turn to Him, for He is waiting with his hands stretched out for you.
All Jesus wants us to have is a little faith in Him, and trust Him.  If that woman believed that Jesus was all it takes for her to get healed, why not you, why not every one of us??
Turn to God; for He is your salvation, He knows what you’re going through. He is always ready and willing to heal you, call to Him.

Just a little faith is all it takes.                                                                                 

Thursday, December 8, 2011


My Dear Child,
            You had not come into this world by accident. I had created you in your mother’s womb with a great purpose for you. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. I had covered you in your mother’s womb. I clothed you with skin and flesh and had fenced you with bones. In my book all your days were written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there were none of them. I carefully placed you inside my hands. It is my hand which brought you into this world out of your mother’s womb.
          From then on, I carried you at all times. I always looked at you with so much affection and loved you all through the years. You were safe in my arms. When there was a path of thorns, I lifted you onto my shoulders. It is I who walked on the path of thorns, not you. Even when I was hurt, I was happy that, you my child were safe.
            I loved to hear from you, your needs, desires and your feelings even though I know all about those before you speak them out. I provided you with all the good things from my storehouse in heaven. I loved you so much. Yet if you still feel and say that you need more love, I am ready to give myself once again on the cross for you. That is my love for you.
        But yet, desiring the worldly love, you left me alone. My heart was broken. With tears overflowing and longing to have you back, I stretched my arms and called you to return. My child, but you rejected my love again. Today at this moment, I am crying badly hurt not because you rejected me, but you have lost your peace and joy you had before. You are moving towards a dangerous path, lost in your desires without realizing that you are going to perish.
More than 2000 years before I came into this world and bore the pain of crucification, died and rose again for the condemned souls. Surely there can’t be any greater love than giving the life for someone. I shed every drop of my blood, tread the path of affliction and gave my life entirely only for you, my dear child. That’s my love for you. I love you really so much. Words can never describe my love I have on you.
            That is the reason why I decided to lay my life for you to save you. Don’t feel guilty because you moved away from me. My love for you has not reduced and it never ever will. Come back to my arms, my child. Even now if you still want me to prove my love for you, I am ready to come and die for you again. I can’t bear seeing you suffer without me. Return to me now, my dear child before it gets too late. I love you so much. I am waiting for you with wide open arms. I am not far away from you. I am just a word of prayer away. Longing to have you back in my arms and to hear from you.
With love words can’t express,
Your Ever Loving Dad,

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This morning I read a story on the web of a woman who was out Christmas hopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable. And after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.
She was feeling what so many of us feel during the holiday season time of the year. Overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don't forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card. 
Finally the elevator doors opened and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed she couldn't take it anymore and stated, "Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot." 
From the back of the car everyone heard a quiet calm voice respond, "Don't worry we already crucified Him." For the rest of the trip down the elevator it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. 
Don't forget this year to keep the One who started this whole Christmas thing in your every thought, deed, purchase, and word. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.


Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food. John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store.
Visualizing the family needs, she said: 'Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can."
John told her he could not give her credit, as she did not have a charge account at his store.
Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocerman that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family.
The grocerman said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list?
Louise replied "Yes sir"
"O.K." he said, put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries."
Louise, hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed. The eyes of the grocerman and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down.
The grocerman staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it." The customer smiled and the grocerman started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more. The grocerman stood there in utter disgust.
Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement. It was not a grocery list; it was a prayer which said: "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands."
The grocerman gave her the groceries that he had gathered and placed on the scales and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to John as he said, "It was worth every penny of it."
It was sometime later that John Longhouse discovered the scales were broken; therefore, only God knows how much a prayer weighs.


Being a young girl, she always dreamt about a beautiful family life. Time passed, this young girl grew up to become a fine lady. Her parents decided to give her hand in marriage. Proposals came and finally she got married. Her dream and thoughts about marriage were no longer just castles in the air.  Yes, she would live and find out!!
But life didn’t take a very favorable path in her marriage. Her marriage failed. She got married once again. This time too destiny took a wrong turn. She got married again and again. After her five marriages she no longer had faith in marriage. She just didn’t believe in the concept of a husband or in marriage anymore.
One day, as she was on her way to the well to fill a jar of water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink of water.” The woman answered, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan- so how can you ask me for a drink?” 
Jesus answered, “If only you knew what God gives and who it is that is asking you for a drink, you would ask him, and he would give you life giving water.”
“Sir,” the woman said, “you haven’t got a bucket, and the well is deep. Where would you get that life giving water? It was our ancestor Jacob who gave us this well; he and his sons and his flocks all drank from it. You don’t claim to be greater than Jacob, do you?”
Jesus answered, “Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring which will provide him with life-giving water and give him eternal life.”
“Sir,” the woman said, “Give me that water! Then I will never be thirsty again, nor will I have to come here to draw water.”
“Go and call your husband,” Jesus told her, “and come back.”
“I haven’t got a husband,” she answered.  Jesus replied, “You are right when you say you haven’t got a husband. You have been married to five men, and the man you live with now is not really your husband. You have told me the truth.” (John 4)
Later in the chapter if we read, we can understand that Jesus revealed Himself to her and made her a blessing for an entire town.
Even though the lady was leading an immoral life, what made Jesus to reveal Himself to her and make her a blessing to many?
Later in the bible we see the woman saying, “I know that the Messiah will come and when he comes, he will tell us everything.” This little hope that she carried in her heart all through the years of her life saved her. Even though she leads a immoral life, she had a hope that one day Messiah will come. When He comes she hoped that He will teach her about everything and will save her. Jesus saw the hope in her heart and revealed Himself to her, had forgiven all her sins and saved her. Not only that, Jesus turned her as a blessing to many people of that particular town. 
Sometime life takes an arduous path.  When life gets so tough, the little spark of hope, that God will save or I know He will come one day, or He will save me from this someday is all that you need.  Jesus is watching over you every step of the day. He knew your hearts desire and hope. Bible says in Proverbs 23:18(Amplified Version) “For surely there is a latter end [a future and a reward], and your hope and expectation shall not be cut off”
My dear young friend, today you may be going through a tough path in your life. You may have little hope in your heart that Jesus will enter into your life and save you. Do not worry, my dear friend. Surely your hope will not be cut off. You may live a sinful life right now. But don’t get dejected. Jesus will save you from the clutches of sin and make you a blessing for His glory. Keep trusting in Jesus and you will be saved.

Friday, December 2, 2011


I know a guy who was asked by God to come and stay alone in His presence for some days. With so much expectation in his heart, the young guy went to God’s presence in 21 days of fasting and prayer. As he was wondering why God inspired him to go for this much of days of staying alone and fasting, Holy Spirit to him very clearly saying:”My dear son, this days are given to you to have a closer relationship with God by knowing Him very intimately. These days to you are a honeymoon with God.” Hearing this, the guy felt so happy that he had a chance to have honeymoon with God.

My dear young friends, as we know, honeymoon is a precious period between a groom and his bride to know each other and to get closer.In Ephesians5:22-33 as Paul talks about husbands and wives, he co-relate Jesus Christ and the Church. If we read I Corinthians 3:17 we can understand that we are God’s temple. That means we are the bride and Jesus Christ is the groom. Being the bride of Jesus, have you ever had honeymoon with Him?

If not my dear young friends, stay alone in His presence, get to know His heart and get closer to Him so that you shall be a blessing for many and you will shine for His glory. As you walk in the Christian faith, do what God expects you to do. To know God’s expectations, go and stay closer to Him. Have a honeymoon with God and know God more. May God bless you richly through His abundant Grace.