“I want something really worthwhile to live for. I want to invest this one life of mine as wisely as possible, in the place that yields the richest profits to the world and me…wherever it is, I want it to be God’s choice for me and not my own… Christ said, “He that would find his life shall lose it” and proved the truth of this divine paradox at Calvary. I want Him to lead me and His Holy Spirit to fill me.” – Betty Stam

Saturday, April 28, 2012


"Thanks for inviting me to go to church with you next Sunday, Uncle Al." Tim and his uncle were on their way to Bonny Lake. They had heard the fishing there was great. "I . . . I don't want to hurt your feelings," continued Tim, "but . . . well . . . I'm not sure I want to get into this religious stuff. Besides, Mom and Dad don't think it's a good idea." 
"Oh?" asked Uncle Al in surprise. "I thought you said that your parents wouldn't mind if you went with me. You sounded quite interested last week. You even said the Gospel was beginning to make sense to you." 
"Yeah, but since then I've done a lot of thinking," Tim said slowly. "I don't think I feel like getting 'saved' right now. The crowd I hang around with at school wouldn't understand, and I like being with them. Someday I'll start going to church, but I think I'll just go on the way I am for a while. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm not so bad, either." 
Tim's uncle drove on silently for a few minutes. "Oh, no!" he exclaimed as they passed a road sign. "I was so intent on our conversation that I missed the turnoff! We should have gotten off this road five miles back!" 
"Guess we'll have to turn around and go back now, huh?" asked Tim. 
But Uncle Al shook his head. "I don't feel like turning around right now," he said. "I guess we'll just keep going this way. I kind of like this road, and the scenery is nice." Tim looked at his uncle in amazement. "But we have to turn around to get to Bonny Lake," he protested, "and the longer we keep going this way, the longer it will take to get back. If we wait too long to turn around, we might not even get there in time to fish." 
Uncle Al smiled at Tim as he slowed down for the next turn. "You're right," he said, "and what you said just now is exactly what I've been trying to tell you about spiritual life . . . that when you're traveling down the wrong road, the sooner you turn around, the better. If you wait too long, you might never get to your goal: Heaven."

Friday, April 27, 2012


My dear young friend, you would have spent your life in sins till now, people would have left you because of the sinful things you had done.  And you would be confused and standing alone. You would be in a state where no one wants to talk to you. Looking at the lives of holy people you could grieve that you couldn’t live a life like them. You would think that Jesus Christ has left your life. You would actually be lamenting as you are clueless as to what to do next. My loving child, Jesus who never casts you away is always there for you.

I went through the same rough situations in my life when I was away from God. A state where there was no one to lift me up. There was no one to love me for who I was, just the way I was. But there were people to make fun of me, as I went down. No one came forward to love me and help me up.  I was going through a path of grief and misery when, Jesus spoke to me and promised, “My son, I am there for you, I will lift you up and make you stand again”.

My lovely child, there is Jesus to love you. There is a loving father waiting for you. Why do you worry? There is a God who is ready to hug you and care for you. Even today He loves you.

What do you need to do? The Bible says in 1 John 1:7 “... the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin...”

First and foremost, you have to understand that there is forgiveness for your sins and there is also definitely a way out from your sinful life. Jesus Christ has already shed his blood for you at the cross. So you don’t need to suffer for your sins. The blood that Jesus shed for us at the cross will cleanse, protect and make you holy from all kinds of sins.

What will the blood of Jesus do? Lord Jesus Christ tells us in Mathew 26:28 “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins”. Only through the blood of Jesus we have forgiveness of sins. Remember that the power to cleanse you and keep you holy is only in the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus not only cleanses your sins but creates a New Testament.  And in this New Testament there will not be anything about your past life.
Be encouraged my child! The blood of Jesus will remove your sins. It will start a new relationship between you and Jesus. You needn’t worry that your relationship with Jesus is over. His blood will create a covenant between you and Jesus. All the past things will disappear and everything will become new. All you have to do is to repent with a true heart and confess all your sins to Him.

If you repent for good, come to Him, and confess all your sins to Him, the Lord will definitely forgive and protect you. If you confess and leave all your sins, you will receive grace from above. Come back to Jesus for He loves you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


                                                                                                                           - GALATIANS 1:8,9
                                                                                                                           - JOHN 1:31

One day I and one of my colleague were roaming around in our town. At that time we came across a beautifully big built church. We were so amazed to see such a beautiful church. Every time we go in that way, we used to have a great desire to go inside that church. The name of the church is “CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST FOR LATTER DAY SAINTS”. Even the name of that church attracted us a lot. On a particular Wednesday we heard that there was an English class going inside the church. So we went in to see how the church was. The church was fully air conditioned with several rooms inside. Once the English class got over, the elder of the church took us and showed us various places inside the church. He opened a door of the big hall and showed us the place where the worship services will be held. As soon as we entered that hall, a great emptiness filled our hearts. I have never felt that kind of emptiness before in my life. It’s a terrible emptiness in our Spirit. We could not stand there at all. As we stood there, the elder began to say the story behind the establishment of the church. As he continued saying we clearly understood in our Spirit that he was telling a false gospel. So we left that place and came out. We understood that these church members are leading many people to go astray. Later we came to know that the gospel he presented to us was called as Mormon Gospel.

So my dear young friends, I present you the truth about this Mormon Gospel. 
The story begins in the year 1820. Joseph Smith a fifteen year old boy claimed he had a visit from God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. He said that they told him that all churches were wrong and were an abomination to God and that he should not join any of them.
            But according to the records of the Presbyterian Church, Smith was a member of that church till he was suspended for neglecting the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper in the year 1830. Even the records of the Methodist church states that Smith tried for membership in that church in the year 1828 but denied membership based on his low moral character. Also court records prove that Joseph Smith was arrested in New York in the year 1826 for being con-artist.
Later he said that he received visits from the angel Moroni, who Joseph Smith said was a resurrected being. Then, a few years later Joseph Smith said that he received a record from the angel Moroni, written on gold plates in "reformed Egyptian" language that no one but he could understand. He was also told not to show these gold plates to anyone, but that some time later a few selected people would be given the privilege to view them. He said that he then translated the plates and published the material as the "Book of Mormon" and gave the gold plates back to the angel Moroni.
            The Book of Mormon contains many plagiarisms of the King James English (at least 25,000 words). This is strange since the plates were supposed to have been in the ground many centuries before the King James Bible was completed in 1611! Also nearly 4000 changes have been made since the 1830 edition. How is that the Book of Mormon which they claim predates the KJV by 1500 years, could have precisely the same language word for word. They even quote words in italic which was actually supplied by the translators. But they claim it as an exact translation from the record received by the angel Moroni.
Smith proposed the “Plural Marriage” doctrine (Polygamy) which brought a great deal of trouble in his life and he was put to jail as he tried to seduce several women into it. The leaders of the Latter Day Saints Church have also taught that their Jesus was married and had children, and that he was even a polygamist. On the afternoon of June 27,1844 Joseph Smith was shot and killed as he tried to escape the jail window.
            He was murdered not by the group of anti-mormons but by the group of men whose wives and daughters he had tried to ruin. Before he died he killed two men and wound another by using a hand gun. Even today, Mormons are exalting Joseph as a Martyr. But the truth is he was in the jail for breaking the law and he killed people in the jail.
Mormons believe that one's salvation is based on such good works as baptism, good deeds, missionary work, and following Mormon teachings.
            Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Romans 4:5 says that salvation comes to those who do not work for salvation, but believe on Jesus Christ instead!
The Book of Mormon is regarded as divinely inspired scripture among the Latter Day Saints Church believers. Mormons teach that man can become God, and that God was once a man.
            This is plain and simple heresy. Nowhere does the Bible say or imply that God was ever a man, or that man can become God! Malachi 3:6 says, "For I am the LORD, I change not..." How could this be true if God was once a man? Genesis 1:1 states that God existed "in the beginning" before man was ever created. John 4:24 states that God is a "spirit," and Jesus tells us in John 1:18 that no man has seen God at any time. Numbers 23:19 says that "God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should repent." God has always been God, and no one has ever "become" God.
Cardinal Doctrines of Latter Day Saints Church
God has a body of flesh and bones
God is an exalted man
God is the product of eternal progression
Men can become gods
Marriage is for eternity
Baptism for the dead
Second chance for salvation after death
The truth is
No city peculiar to the Book of Mormon has ever been located.
No names peculiar to the Book of Mormon has ever been found in the new world inscriptions.
No ancient copies of the Book of Mormon have ever been found.
No mention of people, places and nations peculiar to the Book of Mormon has ever been found.
There is not one iota of evidence from archaeology which can provide evidence for the truth of the Book of Mormon
This is in absolute contrast to Bible, the accuracy of which has been supported in thousands of ways by archaeological research.

Friend, make no mistake about it--Mormonism is a dangerous cult. In the eyes of man, the Mormons seem very respectable, but the light of God's word reveals the true wolves behind the sheep clothing. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Mat. 7:15)
Jesus Christ came into this world to lay down His sinless life for YOU--to pay for your sins. “And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin.” (I John 3:5) Jesus is your only hope for salvation. Only by receiving Him as your Saviour can you enter the gates of Heaven. There is no other way.  "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
Confess your sins to Jesus Christ and get washed from all your sins in His precious Blood. Jesus paid your way to Heaven! Your church cannot save you! Only by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour can you escape the damnation of Hell. Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Ask the Lord to come into your heart and He will cleanse you from all sin. He will save you just as He promised. He will never cast away anyone who comes to Him. Seek Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

Monday, April 23, 2012


(Note: This is a passage taken from the book A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL written by Mary. K. Baxter)

In the next pit was a woman on her knees, as if looking for something. Her skeletal form also was full of holes. Her bones were showing through, and her torn dress was on fire. Her head was bald, and there were only holes where her eyes and nose were supposed to be. A small fire was burning around her feet where she was kneeling, and she clawed the sides of the brimstone pit. The fire clung to her hands, and dead flesh kept falling off as she dug. Tremendous sobs shook her. "O Lord, O Lord," she cried, "I want out." As we watched, she finally got to the top of the pit with her feet. I thought she was going to get out when a large demon with great wings that seemed to be broken at the top and hung down his sides ran to her. His color was brownish black, and he had hair all over his large form. His eyes were set far back into his head, and he was about the size of a large grizzly bear. The demon rushed up to the woman and pushed her very hard backward into the pit and fire. I watched in horror as she fell. I felt so sorry for her. I wanted to take her into my arms and hold her, to ask God to heal her and take her out of there.

Jesus knew my thoughts and said, "My child, judgment has been set. God has spoken. Even when she was a child, I called and called her to repent and to serve Me. When she was sixteen years old, I came to her and said, 'I love you. Give your life to Me, and come follow Me, for I have called you for a special purpose: I called all her life, but she would not listen. She said, 'Someday I will serve You. I have no time for You now. No time, no time, I have my life of fun. No time, no time to serve You, Jesus. Tomorrow I will.' Tomorrow never came, for she waited too long."

The woman cried out to Jesus, "My soul is truly in torment. There is no way out. I know that I wanted the world instead of You, Lord. I wanted riches, fame and fortune, and I got it. I could buy anything I wanted; I was my own boss. I was the prettiest, best-dressed woman of my time. And I had riches, fame and fortune, but I found I could not take them with me in death. O Lord, hell is horrible. I have no rest day or night. I am always in pain and torment. Help me, Lord," she cried. The woman looked up at Jesus so longingly and said, "My sweet Lord, if only I had listened to you! I will regret that forever. I planned to serve You someday-when I got ready. I thought You would always be there for me. But how wrong I was! I was one of the most sought-after women of my time for my beauty. I knew God was calling me to repent. All my life He drew me with cords of love, and I thought I could use God like I used everyone else. He would always be there. Oh yes, I used God! He would try so hard to get me to serve Him, while all the time I thought I didn't need Him. Oh, how wrong I was! For Satan began to use me, and I began to serve Satan more and more. At the last I loved him more than God. I loved to sin and would not turn to God.

"Satan used my beauty and my money, and all my thoughts turned to how much power he would give me. Even then, God continued to draw me. But I thought, I have tomorrow or the next day. Then one day while riding in a car, my driver ran into a house, and I was killed. Lord, please let me out." As she spoke her bony hands and arms reached out to Jesus while the flames continued to burn her. Jesus said, "The judgment is set." Tears fell down His cheeks as we moved to the next pit.

“My dear young friend, if you are living in sin, please repent. If you have been born again and have turned your back on God, repent and turn back to Him now. Live well and stand for truth. Wake up before it is too late, and you can spend forever with the Lord in heaven who loves you as you are.”

Saturday, April 21, 2012


If we read Luke 5:1-10, we can learn a good lesson from the first meeting of Jesus Christ with Simon. Simon was trying to catch fish throughout the night with his friends but all his efforts were in vain as he could not catch any fish on that particular night. But when God directed him to let down his nets for a catch, there were plenty of fishes in the net that made the boat to sink. Simon had never kept his eyes on the plenty of blessings Jesus gave that morning but his eyes looked to Jesus the one who gave those blessings and he immediately fell down in the feet of the Lord. When Simon saw those blessings he humbled himself before Jesus Christ. As he humbled himself before God, Jesus Christ exalted him as the one who catches men for the kingdom of God. At that moment, the entire life of Simon was changed from an ordinary fisher man to that of the disciple of a Great God.
Now the Question is:
Are you sinking with God? (Or) Are you sinking with the God given blessings?
We often use God rather we serve. We seek God when something is needed and turn our back to Him when we receive what we desired for. As soon as the things started working well around, we forget what God has done and we just sink in to the blessings. Even though the Spirit of the Lord tells you to follow God, we will not obey and we shut down it.
Are you sinking with the God given blessings rather than God? If so, God wants you to come back to Him. There were some men of God whose life had ended up terribly because of this reason.
There was a man named Paulaseer Lawrie who was born in the southern part of India in a Hindu family. He was anointed and appointed by God to claim his birthright and thereby become the greatest, mightiest and most highly exalted personage in the whole history of mankind. He got a calling and became an evangelist. A series of "miracles" sparked interest in Paulaseer's message throughout the world. There were so many people who got blessed through the ministry of Paulaseer.
But on a fateful day, he claimed to have become the second coming of Christ. At one point of time in his life he began to sink with the God given power as he failed to keep his eyes on Jesus Christ. Soon he began to draw much more on Hindu and even Muslim ideas to attract more native Indian followers. Finally as he moved away from God, he faced a miserable death. Even today many preachers in the world are using his name as a bad example.
My dear friend, are you doing the same? Are you sinking with the God given blessing? God might have given you a good job. You might have work hard for promotions and you would have left the fellowship of God putting your eye on promotions and fame. God might have given you good gadgets. Are you glorifying God with it or are you using those for your own pleasure? This is the time for you to put your eyes on Jesus Christ who raised you to this level.
Simon fell down at the feet of the Lord and He got a great blessing to be a disciple of a Most High God. Even today if you fell down at the feet of the Lord and humble yourself, God is faithful enough to raise you high and make you His own disciple. Jesus Christ loves you a lot and He don’t want you to destroy your own life by sinking with the blessings you got from Him. He wants to give you His peace today. Come to Him and be blessed. God bless you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012




Dear Lord,

               You are the one who taught me what love is and I admire how sweet your love is!

               "When I walked in the path of wilderness,
               I came to know the feeling of your nearness to me..."

               "When I repeatedly fell on sin and continued on that,
               I came to know about your amazing grace..."

               "When I felt that there is no more way to go,
               I saw you making a new way for me..."

               "When I weard and tired to make a move,
               I rested on your hand which carried me..."

               "When tears flowed and sorrow surrounds,
               I felt the comfortness in your bosom..."

               "When I felt loneliness at certain point of my life,
               I felt that you are standing beside me..."

               "When people who are so close to me had forsaken,
               I heard you saying, I will not forget you..."

               "When I thought that there is no more hope for my future,
               I heard your encouraging words on my ears..."
               In the path of darkness,
                               You showed me your light...

               In the path of sorrow,
                               You showed me your joy...

               In the path of dejection,
                               You showed me your comfort...

               In the path of confusion,
                               You showed me your peace...

               In the path of failure,
                               You showed me your miracles...

Yes Lord,

                        You are the one who taught me what love is and I admire how sweet your love is!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


“Don’t be afraid I will be with you, I will go before you and make the crooked paths straight. My support will never cease. You will be holy. Oh Jacob, there shall be no sin in you. I have listened to the requests you have made to me. You will never see the Egyptians you have seen today. I will break your yoke, and remove all your bondage. Do not fear, I will be with you and I will be your strength. Get up and do your thing. My hand of grace will be with you. I will give you all goodness. I have chosen you, who will hurt you? I have showered My love upon you. I will not forsake you.  I will make new things in your life. You will see miracles”. 

My dear young friend, you are God’s child. Be happy you will surely be blessed.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Our life is a race. Hebrews 12:1 says “.....Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”. This race can be compared to the race run by athletes for specific games like Olympics. In our life age and time is always running out. No one can stop this. Even if we sit idle in our life, age and time will always be running. God has a specific race for all of us. For any race the winner will be judged according to how he runs, where he runs and for what he runs. We may think that we are ordinary people and who will watch the race we are running. Even if no one is watching, God is always watching.

I would like to tell you about three victorious run that was carried out by certain people in their lives.


I Samuel 17:48 “....David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him”. Here David is running against Goliath. The reason for David race being victorious is that he did not run for himself but ran for God. He came there accidently and was not a man of war. When he hears a man abusing God, he could stand it no longer. He ran as God’s representative in that place. Like how he risked his life when the lion and bear came against his flock and him, in the same way when Goliath abused God he risked his life to stand for God. Hence his race was victorious. The reason all the people were afraid of Goliath was because they compared their strength and Goliath strength. But the reason David was not afraid was because he compared God’s strength and Goliath strength. In the same way in our life race we must run for God and we need not bother about our strength and the strength of enemy because God fights for us.


Mark 6:33 “But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them”
Here a group of people are running. The evening before Jesus
had met all these people and cured all their diseases having no time to eat and sleep. The next day Jesus went to a solitary place to take rest. The same people when they knew that Jesus has gone by boat to the other side, they ran as fast they could and went to the other side before Jesus could get there. Even though these people received healing in their body, their soul and heart seemed empty. Knowing the reason why they ran, Jesus preached the word of God and gave them food for their soul. After that he gave them food for physical body as well. Jesus performed such a big miracle by multiplying the five loaves and two fishes for the people who ran for the word of God.  Today most of us are expecting miracle for our body, but our soul is left hungry. Reading and meditating the word of God is the only way to nourish our soul. If you run for the word of God, he will give you other blessing as well.


Acts 8:30 “...Philip ran up to the chariot.....” Here Philip is running to prepare one soul for Christ. Philip was not a big preacher like Paul and Peter. But the Holy Spirit has told him to run and reach the chariot in which the minister was travelling. This was a difficult task for him to run ahead of the chariot pulled by the horses. He risked his life and ran to bring one soul to Christ. God rewarded him with two things for his race. First, he is the only man in Bible who baptized a minister. Second, after he had finished his major work, Holy Spirit Himself carried Philip. His race was victorious because he ran to win a soul for Christ.

Let us examine whether we are running for God, for word of God and to win souls for God. If not, let us run the race in a diligent way and be victorious for God. GOD LOVES YOU.


Saturday, April 14, 2012




               Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
               Let me hide myself in thee;
               Let the water and the blood,
               From thy wounded side which flowed,
               Be of sin the double cure;
               Save from wrath and make me pure.

               Not the labours of my hands
               Can fulfil thy law's commands;
               Could my zeal no respite know,
               Could my tears forever flow,
               All for sin could not atone;
               Thou must save, and thou alone.

               Nothing in my hand I bring,
               Simply to the cross I cling;
               Naked, come to thee for dress;
               Helpless, look to thee for grace;
               Foul, I to the fountain fly;
               Wash me, Saviour, or I die.

               While I draw this fleeting breath,
               When mine eyes shall close in death,
               When I soar to worlds unknown,
               See thee on thy judgment throne,
               Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
               Let me hide myself in thee.

Friday, April 13, 2012



In a remote village there lived a widow woman with her only daughter. Being financially very poor, she struggled to raise her daughter and somehow enabled her to study well. When her daughter grew into a beautiful young woman, she told her mom, “Mom, I know that you have suffered for me and struggled to bring me up. It is enough. Now I will go to work in another city and will earn lots of money and will take care of you”. Having said this, she went to a foreign city leaving behind her mom.
After some days, she got a job. She began to send money every month to her mom without fail. But as days went by she got involved in all kinds of unwanted activities and she began to go behind worldly pleasures and soon she forgot her mother. She started to enjoy a luxurious life. As fate would have it, after few years, she lost all her beauty, wealth and friends. She became lonely without anyone to help her. When all her wealth and beauty disappeared, so did everyone around her. She went into so much depression. At that stage, she felt terribly bad about herself and she began to remember the love of her mother. She remembered the days in which her mother took care of her in spite of all the pain. She felt very guilty about the way she forgot the love of her mother and decided to return to her. She hoped that her mom’s love would have never changed she will forgive her for all her mistakes.
But when she returned home, she was shocked to find that her house was covered with dry leaves and garbage and there was darkness all around the house. She suddenly had a doubt whether her mom was alive or not. When she was about to open the door, she heard her mom calling her by name. She then saw her lying in the corner of room surrounded by darkness. She ran towards her mom with tears and her mom hugged her with great love and acceptance. She wondered how her mom called her by name in that deep darkness. When she asked her mom about that, she replied: “My dearest daughter, from your childhood I know your footsteps. Even though you went far away from me, my heart did not forget you nor your footsteps. That’s why as you walked on the dry leaves I heard your footsteps and identified that it was you, my beloved daughter.
Our God’s love is much greater than the love of this worldly mother. If a mother could remember the footsteps of her daughter even after many days and years, won’t God remember you, my dear child? God’s love is so big and great that He gave His life for you. Jesus says in John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”.
You can never find a love similar to that of God’s love anywhere. God will not forget you, forsake you nor will He hate you. My dear Child, come to Jesus Christ who gave His life for you. Return back to Him. Jesus Christ who gave His life for you on the cross still loves you so much and He waits for you.....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Back when the telegraph was the fastest method of long-distance communication, a young man applied for a job as a Morse Code operator. Answering an ad in the newspaper, he went to the office address that was listed. When he arrived, he entered a large, busy office filled with noise and clatter, including the sound of the telegraph in the background. A sign on the receptionist’s counter instructed job applicants to fill out a form and wait until they were summoned to enter the inner office. 

The young man filled out his form and sat down with the seven other applicants in the waiting area. After a few minutes, the young man stood up, crossed the room to the door of the inner office, and walked right in. Naturally the other applicants perked up, wondering what was going on. They muttered among themselves that they hadn't heard any summons yet.

They assumed that the young man who went into the office made a mistake and would be disqualified. Within a few minutes, however, the employer escorted the young man out of the office and said to the other applicants, "Gentlemen, thank you very much for coming, but the job has just been filled." 

The other applicants began grumbling to each other, and one spoke up saying, "Wait a minute, I don't understand. He was the last to come in, and we never even got a chance to be interviewed. Yet he got the job. That's not fair!" The employer said, "I'm sorry, but the last several minutes while you've been sitting here, the telegraph has been ticking out the following message in Morse Code: 'If you understand this message, then come right in. The job is yours.' None of you heard it or understood it. This young man did. The job is his." 

We are so busy living in a world that is full of noise and clatter, like that office. People are distracted and unable to hear the still, small voice of God as He speaks in creation, in the Scriptures, and in the life and work of Jesus Christ. So I ask you, as I ask myself, "Are you listening, or are you waiting to be called? Do you hear the Lord when he speaks to you?

-- Author Unknown

Monday, April 9, 2012


My dear young friend, you might be in a confused state right now thinking about your backslidden Spiritual life and you might have a doubt whether Jesus will come into your life again and will bless you. Let me encourage you my dear friend. Jesus Christ will surely come into your life again and He will bless you with His blessings. Do not be discouraged thinking about your past. You have Jesus Christ who loves you more.
Let’s take the life of Peter as an example and divide his life into four phases as follows:
Luke 5:5 “And Simon answering said to Him, Master we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing....”
You can clearly see in this phase that Peter was without Jesus. Since he doesn’t have Jesus in his life, he didn’t have blessings too. But what happens when Jesus enters into Peter’s life.
Luke 5:6,7 “And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net broke. And they beckoned to their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both the ships, so that they began to sank.”
Peter’s life was once void without any blessings. Then as Jesus entered into his life and as he began to do things according to the counsel of Jesus, he gets an overflowing blessing. As Peter received Jesus into his life, he received blessings too. Did Peter stand firmly in the relationship with Jesus?
John 21:3 “Simon Peter said to them, I go a fishing. They said to him, we also go with you. They went forth and entered into a ship immediately; and that  night they caught nothing.”
Jesus Christ entered into Peter’s life and transformed his life from catching fishes to catching people. But Peter decides to go back to his previous life and in that process, he left Jesus. That night Peter would have felt guilty that his life has got no blessing because he went back to his old life. He might have doubted whether Jesus will accept him again. Did Jesus accept Peter?
John 21:4,6 “But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus. And He said to them, cast the net on the right side of the ship and you shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.”
My dear young friend, this is the wonderful loving character of Jesus Christ. Even though as Peter went away from Him, Jesus comes into Peter’s life again and He restores back the broken relationship. Not only that, Jesus fills the life of Peter again with overflowing blessings. Jesus Christ is a loving God who will not cast anyone who comes to Him.
Even today my dear young friend, you might have left Jesus as Peter did. You might have lost your entire Spiritual and worldly blessings. You might have lost the peace of your life. Don’t worry. Jesus Christ loves you and His hands are stretched forth towards you. He is waiting for you. If you surrender your life to Jesus Christ again, He will restore the broken relationship and fill you with His overflowing blessings.