“I want something really worthwhile to live for. I want to invest this one life of mine as wisely as possible, in the place that yields the richest profits to the world and me…wherever it is, I want it to be God’s choice for me and not my own… Christ said, “He that would find his life shall lose it” and proved the truth of this divine paradox at Calvary. I want Him to lead me and His Holy Spirit to fill me.” – Betty Stam

Monday, July 30, 2012



When me and my brothers were too young, my father got affected by a disease which had put our entire family in a desperate situation. Even though, it’s a skin disease it affected my dad in a serious way. The disease started in the leg and slowly it moved to the entire body. No doctors and no medicines can stop the spreading of the disease. No one can enter the room of my dad because of the smell that comes from the wounds caused by the disease. Medicinal oils can be applied in the wounds only by using the feather of the cock. As things went in an uncontrollable way, my dad thought he will die soon.

One fine day, he called my two elder brothers to his bed side and told them like this: “My dear sons, I am going to die soon. Your youngest brother is so young. I will not see any goodness which is going to happen in his life. You both have to promise me that you will take care of your youngest brother and provide him all that he needs.” 

This was his words to my elder brothers. My relatives and other people around us also thought that our dad will die soon. Everyone lost their hope. But my mom found a way that changed our lives. Instead of sharing her fear and grief with the fellow neighbours and relatives, she began to shed tears and share her feeling with Jesus Christ through her prayers. She started praying desperately for my dad’s healing. 

Our God is a God who sees our tears. When Hagar was in the wilderness with a baby boy knowing not what to do and crying desperately as she had no one to help around, God met her on the wilderness and blessed her (Genesis 21:14-20). 

Jesus Christ heard the prayers of my mom and He saw our tears too. To everyone's surprise, God began to touch the body of my dad. Slowly my dad got well and after some years, His wounds were all healed and he began to walk normally as others used to walk. 

As this was happening in our lives, my dad’s eldest brother also got the same disease. But as their family look unto the idols for healing, he died miserably. The idols had not saved him from that disease. 

But our God is a living God who can save us from any dreadful disease. My dad is now 61 years of age and he is still healthy through the Grace of God. When he thought he will die, he was too worried about my life. God has enabled him to see the goodness filled lives of his all three sons.
My dear young friends, when you are desperate for a blessing or help, don’t look around. Look above to God. Jesus Christ will never forsake you. He will not leave you to go down in tears. He will enter into your life and He will wipe away your tears.

You might be suffering with a dreadful disease or the burden of debt or any other problems. Jesus Christ is there to help you. Whatever you ask in His name today shall be given to you says Holy Spirit. Ask God and seek His help. He will heal your disease and He will fulfill the number of your days. You will not die in this disease for God is your refuge. He will heal you and He will bless you. 

Not only God healed the disease of my dad but He also helped me when I faced several problems in my life. What kind of problem I faced? How God fulfilled His promise in my life?

          ...................... To be continued in GHG - 5

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