This book is a tribute
to Graham Staines. It speaks about the love and compassion to the socially outcast
lepers, shown by this man of God.
“Our world was darkness. We always faced death. None of the
religious leaders bothered to give us even one meal. When we begged for alms,
they would throw stones at us and chase us away. We were untouchables. These religious leaders used to tell us that we deserved leprosy because of our sins
in our previous birth – because of our ‘karma’. And we were left to die in the
jungles all alone, like worms…But then came Staines Dada and his friends… they
stretched forth their hands of mercy and took us to the Leprosy Home…There we
saw the love of God.
Dada and his wife would personally wash our sores and dress the
wounds with medicines and when we were cured, they would teach us some skill…..and
give jobs to us… Is this wrong? What did he do that he should be burnt alive? ...
They even killed Philip and Timothy… what loving kinds… they used to come and
play with us lepers, the outcasts of the society…”
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The dreadful event
which happened on January 23, 1999 has been articulated in this book. Graham
Staines and his two sons were ambushed by a frenzied mob with flaming torches
and burnt alive in Manoharpur, Orissa, India.
“In what has been described as a cold-blooded operation, Dara Singh
and his mob approached Manoharpur at around 12:20 a.m. They came in running
from the fields, armed with lathis and trishuls. They had just one target, the
station wagon. And as they approached it, they began screaming. Singh struck
first, wielding an axe at the tyres, deflating them. The others broke windows
and prevented the Staines from escaping. Graham was beaten mercilessly and his
boys were not spared either. All three were pierced with trishuls. Singh then
put straw under the vehicle and torched it. In seconds, the vehicle was on
fire. Graham held his two boys close to him. Anyone who knew him would say that
the one name on his lips would be – Christ Jesus.”
Moreover, It also
probes deep into the Christian faith; the freedom of conscience; and the
Christian attitude to persecution, the sacrificial service of Christians to
this country (India), the systematic hounding against Christians throughout the
centuries and their response to it and why freedom of conscience of every
individual in this country needs to be upheld, though not in this order.
This book makes you
reflect on the various incidents that happen in and around India, the brutal
attacks to the people of God and the fights that happen between religions.
“What would it take for a man to leave his country and serve the
lepers in another for thirty-four years of his life? From where does his widow
and daughter get the spiritual strength to completely forgive the killers? Just
who exactly is this God that they believe in? Why this hatred towards the
missionaries? How is it that Gladys and Esther still want to serve the poor in
Mayurbhanj? Could it be that everything we have been fed with against the
Christians has been a bunch of lies? Could it really be true that Jesus was
right when He said that He is the way, the truth and the life?”
This book answers all
the questions that normally arise in our mind. Mrs. Gladys June Staines tells
the people of India, that she isn’t angry, but speaks about her desire: that
each citizen of this country should establish a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ who gave his life for their sins. She also adds that each person
should know that Jesus loves him or her, and in turn they should trust him, and endeavor to love one another. The words that had spoken by the daughter of Staines
at funeral moved so many people hearts - “I praise the Lord that He found my father worthy to die for
Reading this book,
gives u deeper glimpse of the Staines and other missionaries’ life. It is
indeed powerful and touching.
These the Mayurbhanj Missionaries have also included Kate Allanby’s
sister Grace, Miss Dawson, Mr.Grimes, Miss Huth, Miss Muirhead, Mr. Stewart,
Miss Taylor, Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Lietch, Miss Redston, Mr & Mrs. Jones, Miss
Filmer and Mr. Nicolson.
Their lives, like ours… like every other since time began, are but
flickers on a candlewick. But in Jesus’ hands, once surrendered, a flicker can
be a mighty blaze. And an otherwise imperfect life a living epistle… a source
of hope for a lost and dying world.
But, dare we like them surrender our all?
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