“...have peace with
one another.” – Mark 9:50
Recently I went to my
wife’s place and there in her relative’s house I met a girl who was studying a
course on animation. I like animation and so I was talking to that young girl
about her course. As I was talking to her, a woman came and took hold of her
hand and asked her about her well being. She never turned to that woman but
politely removed her hand and then moved aside and said in a low voice that she
was fine. Again that woman came to her and asked something. She repeated the
same behavior but she didn't reply anything.
I felt so embarrassed
to stand there but I don’t know what to do. Later I asked my wife who was that
woman to whom the girl was hesitating to speak. My wife said that the woman was
the younger sister to that girl’s father. She also said that her father did
something wrong and so this girl stopped talking to her father and to all who
belongs to her father’s family. Later I met some other person who told me that
the young girl won’t speak much to her sister also and even if they speak it
will end up in fight.
There were times even
in our lives we hesitate to talk to someone for some reasons. We may think that
we have a valid reason for not talking with someone. They might have done something
to us at some point of time and we carry the wounds created by that incident
till we die. We struggle to forgive them and we feel that there was no wrong in
our part.
But Jesus Christ
clearly tells us to have peace with one another. If you keep on fighting with
those around you for any reason you cannot have peace in that relationship.
The young girl I spoke
with carried a wound in her heart and as she doesn't allowed Jesus Christ to
heal her wound and so she could not forgive her own father and because of that
she had no peace with anybody around her.
Today you might be
carrying a wound because of the words of someone or by their deeds. You have to
allow Jesus Christ to heal your wound so that you can have peace with them. Do
not carry the wound forever. It will hurt you and it will hurt them also. Take
a step forward and allow God to bring peace into your relationship.
One of my uncle begun
to hate his brothers and sisters after his marriage. He stopped talking with
them for no reason. Some of his sisters tried talking with him but he never
responded. Years passed by. His character was watched by someone who hated him
and so he thought that if he do some harm to him no one will come to help. And
one day when a fight arose he had beat him a lot. But then the news came to his
siblings. Without thinking about what he did to them everyone went and stood by
him at that time and helped him in that tough time.
You have to take one
step forward out of your comfort zone and try to have peace with people around
Judas betrayed Jesus.
Facing betrayal was a tough one but yet Jesus referred Judas as friend when he
came to betray Him. That was the love of Jesus upon the one who came to betray
You might also have
gone through betrayal but do not hate the person who betrayed you. Call them as
your friend, love them and stay in peace with them. You have to stay in peace
with one another because you are the child of God who loves everyone.
Today Jesus Christ
wants you to have peace with those around you and also He wants to heal your
wound. Allow Jesus to heal you and stay blessed. God bless you.